The Rollercoaster Diaries

A personal but not necessarily private record of Lyssa's moods and thoughts. Being bipolar should be more fun than this, shouldn't it?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Three days in a row!

Over the last three days I’ve racked up over 10K a day on my trusty little pedometer: 11560, 11300, and yesterday 16150! That’s almost 6 miles with my stride distance average, although I think my stride might be increasing a little bit. My oldest daughter and I go for walks in the morning and evening, making them brisk with personalized fast walking pace music playlists (I like a mixture of 80’s dance music, DDR remixes, Daft Punk, and MSI, she prefers video game soundtracks), and increasing the entire body involvement with wrist weights. I’m going to keep going, raising my steps per day, hopefully working my way up to 20K. Next year I plan to sign up for and complete the breast cancer 5K Walk for the Cure, so I consider this training as well as a great move toward overall health.


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