The Rollercoaster Diaries

A personal but not necessarily private record of Lyssa's moods and thoughts. Being bipolar should be more fun than this, shouldn't it?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Halfway there from the start

Yesterday was my first real day on the program after doing my 3 day average to start with, which was 4870. I gave yesterday the goal of 5000 and I got in 5171. Today’s goal is 5400, with my target being getting to 10k/day by Monday after next. Should be easier now that I found my walking shoes, but getting outside for longer walks is still a bit prohibitive in this heat. I hate having to wait until evening to walk, when my husband is home and I’d rather spend time with him, and he doesn’t have the energy to join me in a mile around the neighborhood. Ah well, hopefully the weather will cool within a couple of months and I can take my walks earlier.


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